Auto Accident Injury Care in McHenry
Auto accidents can be extremely traumatic and can leave people with physical injuries and mental stress. After an auto accident, people usually have to deal with insurance, both theirs and the other drivers. Then they may have to consult with a lawyer to protect themselves in the event of personal injury. However, the most important step to take after an auto accident is getting medical treatment to help reduce stress and tend to the injury caused by the accident. In most cases of auto accident, whiplash and back pain are the most common injuries.
At Wells Family Chiropractic in McHenry, our staff understands the complexities of personal injury cases, and we take great pride helping our patients fully recover after an auto accident injury.
To help you recover your auto accident injury, our office has excellent relationships with local orthopedists, neurologists, MRI facilities, and physical therapists that all offer the best and most complete care for acute trauma injuries.
In our McHenry office at Wells Family Chiropractic, we analyze, diagnose, and treat the various complexities of whiplash and soft tissue injuries that are caused by an auto accident. Additionally, we have an x-ray machine at our %CITYY% office that can expedite the process of recover by allow Dr. Jeffrey Wells, DC. to see exactly where a chiropractic adjustment will help the best.
As auto accident chiropractors in McHenry, Dr. Jeffrey Wells, DC. and the excellent staff at Wells Family Chiropractic have helped thousands of individuals recover from their auto accident injuries. We work with most injuries that are caused by an auto accident, and we are comfortable speaking with personal injury attorneys. Liens are also accepted at Wells Family Chiropractic in McHenry.
If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you need to make, and it's crucial to make these decisions immediately. Do not delay because time is not on your side!
Wells Family Chiropractic Insurance Participation
There are many insurance plans and coverages that vary widely. Please call Wells Family Chiropractic in McHenry at (224) 213-2729 to find out if your plan covers care in our office. Call Wells Family Chiropractic in McHenry at (224) 213-2729 today.